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Human Genome Editing Controversy

Advances in molecular biology have brought medical science to a quantum leap. The advancement of science and technology is like a double-edged sword. It can be a blessing for humanity, but it can also be a disaster. This is the story of a secret experiment in China that has shocked the medical community and led to the imprisonment of its researcher. In 2018, He Jiankui, an associate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, conducted an experiment to edit the genes or DNA of an embryo carried by a woman whose husband had HIV. Using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) technology, He edited the gene encoding CCR5, which is a receptor or entry point for the HIV virus into human body cells.

Kontroversi Penyuntingan Genom pada Manusia

Kemajuan biologi molekuler membawa ilmu kedokteran menuju ke lompatan besar (”quantum leap”). Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi bagaikan pedang bermata dua. Bisa jadi berkah bagi umat manusia, tetapi bisa juga menjadi malapetaka. Ini kisah tentang eksperimen rahasia di China yang sudah membuat geger kalangan medis dan berujung perisetnya dipenjara. Pada 2018, He Jiankui, associate professor di Southern University of Science and Technology di Shenzhen, melakukan percobaan menyunting gen atau DNA pada embrio yang dikandung seorang perempuan yang suaminya mengidap penyakit HIV. Dengan teknologi clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9), He menyunting gen pengode CCR5 yang merupakan reseptor atau jalan masuk virus HIV ke dalam sel tubuh manusia.

New Hope for Kidney Failure Patients

The success of the genetically engineered pig kidney transplant is a major breakthrough for the world of medicine and molecular biology. The world of medicine continues to develop, bringing new hope, including for patients with kidney failure. Not long ago, on March 16, 2024, a team of doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA, successfully performed a genetically engineered pig kidney transplant into the body of Richard Slayman, a 62-year-old male patient. At that time, Richard felt happy and enthusiastic because he regained a normally functioning kidney and no longer had to undergo routine dialysis that had burdened him for years. This is the first successful attempt, as previous pig-to-human kidney transplants have always failed. In 2018, Richard had actually undergone a human kidney transplant from a deceased donor.

Harapan Baru Penderita Gagal Ginjal

Keberhasilan cangkok ginjal babi rekayasa genetis menjadi terobosan besar bagi dunia medis dan biologi molekuler. Dunia kedokteran terus berkembang membawa harapan baru, tak terkecuali bagi penderita gagal ginjal. Belum lama ini, 16 Maret 2024, tim dokter di Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, AS, berhasil melakukan operasi cangkok (transplantasi) ginjal babi hasil rekayasa genetika ke tubuh Richard Slayman, pasien pria usia 62 tahun. Saat itu, Richard merasa senang dan bersemangat karena kembali memiliki ginjal yang berfungsi normal dan tidak lagi harus rutin cuci darah yang sangat membebaninya selama bertahun-tahun. Ini keberhasilan pertama kalinya karena sebelumnya transplantasi ginjal babi ke manusia selalu mengalami kegagalan. Pada 2018, Richard sebenarnya telah menjalani transplantasi ginjal manusia dari donor orang yang sudah meninggal.

Depopulation and the Threat of Demographic Disaster

Without access to quality education, especially vocational education, the demographic bonus is at risk of being missed. The problem depopulation not only affects Japan, South Korea and Singapore, but also China. Have these symptoms also spread to Indonesia? Japan is a prosperous and advanced country with a culture of hard work, discipline, and admirable ethics. Its industries are advanced, and the per capita income of its citizens is high. The education and healthcare services offered by the country are also good. As a result, the life expectancy of its citizens is higher compared to most other countries. In Japan, it is very common to find elderly citizens who are still healthy. In terms of demographics, the number of elderly citizens is quite large. Therefore, the national age of Japanese citizens is increasing.