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US-China Biotech Competition
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- 12/02/2025
The progress of China's biotechnology industry will create opportunities for Indonesia as long as we are smart enough and can take advantage of it. To this day, it is difficult to deny that the United States is the most powerful country in the world and still dominates technological advancements in various fields. However, recent developments indicate that US dominance is beginning to be threatened by China's technological advancements. In the digital technology sector, the popularity of TikTok has even led the US government to consider banning the application made by a Chinese company, unless its shares are sold to US entrepreneurs. Most recently, the artificial intelligence (AI) service from China, DeepSeek, has emerged and shaken the dominance of its predecessors, such as ChatGPT and Meta, products of US technology companies.

Persaingan Bioteknologi AS-China
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- 11/02/2025
Kemajuan industri bioteknologi China ini akan membangkitkan peluang bagi Indonesia sepanjang kita cukup cerdik dan bisa memanfaatkannya. Sampai hari ini, sulit dibantah bahwa Amerika Serikat adalah negara paling perkasa di dunia dan masih mendominasi kemajuan teknologi di berbagai bidang. Namun, perkembangan belakangan mengindikasikan dominasi AS itu mulai terancam kemajuan penguasaan teknologi China. Di sektor teknologi digital, kepopuleran Tiktok sampai membuat Pemerintah AS berniat melarang aplikasi buatan perusahaan asal China ini, kecuali sahamnya dijual kepada pengusaha AS. Paling baru, layanan kecerdasan buatan (AI) asal China, DeepSeek, muncul dan menggoyang keperkasaan pendahulunya, seperti ChatGPT dan Meta, produk perusahaan teknologi asal AS.

Nobel Prizes and Favorite Research Trends
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- 12/12/2024
If genomics and AI research are becoming favorite research themes in developed countries, will our scientists follow suit? In October, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2024 Nobel Prizes in the categories of Medicine-Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, and Peace. Looking at the Nobel Prize winners in Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry, it appears that there has been rapid progress in genomic research and artificial intelligence (AI) and this is driving technological progress in the medical and health fields. What can we learn from this Nobel laureate? New breakthrough The Nobel Prize in Medicine-Physiology was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun from the United States (US). Both were considered to have contributed to their discovery that microRNA plays a role in regulating post-transcriptional gene activity. This discovery opens up opportunities to develop new ways to treat various diseases, including cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Penghargaan Nobel dan Tren Riset Favorit
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- 09/12/2024
Jika riset genomik dan AI menjadi tema riset favorit di negara maju, apakah ilmuwan kita juga mengikutinya? Pada Oktober lalu, Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia memberikan Hadiah Nobel 2024 untuk kategori Kedokteran-Fisiologi, Kimia, Fisika, Sastra, dan Perdamaian. Melihat pemenang Nobel kategori Kedokteran, Fisika, dan Kimia, tampak ada kemajuan pesat pada riset genomik dan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence/AI) dan ini menjadi pendorong kemajuan teknologi di bidang medis dan kesehatan. Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari penerima Nobel ini? Terobosan baru Nobel Kedokteran-Fisiologi diberikan kepada Victor Ambros dan Gary Ruvkun dari Amerika Serikat. Keduanya dinilai berjasa atas temuannya bahwa mikro-RNA berperan dalam mengatur aktivitas gen pascatranskripsi. Lewat temuan ini terbuka peluang pengembangan cara baru pengobatan berbagai penyakit, termasuk kanker dan autoimun.

Human Genome Editing Controversy
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- 14/09/2024
Advances in molecular biology have brought medical science to a quantum leap. The advancement of science and technology is like a double-edged sword. It can be a blessing for humanity, but it can also be a disaster. This is the story of a secret experiment in China that has shocked the medical community and led to the imprisonment of its researcher. In 2018, He Jiankui, an associate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, conducted an experiment to edit the genes or DNA of an embryo carried by a woman whose husband had HIV. Using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) technology, He edited the gene encoding CCR5, which is a receptor or entry point for the HIV virus into human body cells.