

Tren Makanan Nabati Pascapandemi

TIGA tahun pandemi covid-19, selain memilukan, rupanya membawa hikmah. Salah satu hikmahnya ialah meningkatnya kesadaran tentang pola hidup sehat, termasuk menerapkan pola makan sehat. Menurut hasil survei Kerry Indonesia, produsen bahan makanan yang berpusat di Irlandia, ada tiga kelompok alasan mengapa seseorang memilih untuk mengonsumsi makanan sehat, yaitu untuk kesehatan tubuh, untuk kesehatan bumi dan lingkungan, dan karena alasan diet. Salah satu penerapan pola makan sehat yang sekarang sedang ngetren ialah mengonsumsi makanan berbahan nabati.  Masyarakat modern semakin memperhatikan soal makanan sehat. Muncul berbagai gerakan makan sehat yang mengatur jenis makanan apa saja yang wajib dikonsumsi dan apa yang harus dihindari. Lalu, bagaimana mengatur frekuensi dan waktu makan. 

Uric Acid, a Threat to Kidney

One of health problems often faced at the age of 30 years and over is high uric acid levels. This problem is often discovered only when conducting a health examination at a clinic or health facility. High uric acid level also often causes symptoms such as pain, swelling in the joints or a feeling of stiffness. In addition to these complaints, uric acid can also lead to kidney damage. Like an unbroken cycle, kidney damage also causes problems in uric acid discharge from the body and causes build-up. Therefore, it is important to know the relationship between blood uric acid levels and kidneys' health. Uric acid is actually a waste product excreted by the body. In good body condition, this substance will normally be excreted by the kidneys and its levels in blood will be maintained in normal conditions of 3.5-7.0 mg/dL in males and 2.5-6.0 mg/dL

A Glimpse on Kidney Stones

Almost all of us are familiar with the term kidney stones. The term is very popular and it indicates that the incidence of kidney stones in the community is so high. Several studies report that every year up to half a million people come to the emergency room because of kidney stones. In the United States, it is estimated that one in ten people will have a kidney stone at some point in their life and kidney stones are more common in males. In India, about 12% of people with kidney stones in total population are susceptible to urinary tract stones. Of this 12%, 50% of the population are severely affected by kidney injury, which can even lead to kidney loss. On average, the chances of any of us having at least one kidney stone in our lifetime is about 10%. In developing countries, including Indonesia, the occurrence of stones is increasingly frequent. It is apparent that the incidence of kidney stones is very common.

Mengenal Sekelumit Batu Ginjal

Hampir semua dari kita mengenal istilah batu ginjal. Istilah tersebut sangat populer dan itu menandakan bahwa kejadian batu ginjal di tengah masyarakat demikian tingginya. Ada studi yang melaporkan bahwa setiap tahun didapatkan hingga lebih dari setengah juta orang pergi ke ruang gawat darurat karena masalah batu ginjal. Di Amerika, diperkirakan satu dari sepuluh orang akan memiliki batu ginjal pada suatu saat dalam kehidupan mereka dan batu ginjal lebih sering ditemukan pada pria. Sedangkan di India, ditemukan sekitar 12 persen orang dengan batu ginjal pada total populasi yang rentan terhadap batu saluran kemih. Dari 12 persen ini, 50 persen populasi sangat terpengaruh oleh kerusakan ginjal, yang bahkan sampai menyebabkan hilangnya ginjal. Rata-rata, kemungkinan di antara kita setidaknya memiliki satu batu ginjal dalam kehidupan kita adalah sekitar 10 persen. Di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia, kejadian batu semakin sering. Dari gambaran tersebut, maka jelas nampak bahwa kejadian batu ginjal sangat umum.

VoC Delta Invasion to Kudus and Bangkalan

 The Covid-19 variant from India invaded by riding on our recklessness. As a result, Indonesia's Covid-19 positive patients suddenly jumped dramatically, starting from Kudus. According to reports, the reason for the incident was that locals observed the bakdo kupat or Lebaran ketupat ritual seven days after Eid al-Fitr without much fervor. They congregated, swarmed, and visited one another. The Covid-19 delta variation propagated among the locals from there. So, the case of transmission exploded in the city center of kretek cigarettes. The number of patients in hospitals increased, and the death toll rose.The results of the whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis, which were released by Siti Nadia Tarmizi, director of prevention and control of direct infectious diseases at the Ministry of Health, confirmed this rise. She said that 28 of the 34 Kudus specimens that were analyzed tested positive for the delta variation.