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Indonesian Human Genomic Mapping
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- 28/12/2023
If mastery of genome technology becomes more sophisticated, genome mapping data becomes more complete, disease patterns can be mapped. The modernization of the national health system continues to move forward. Not long ago the Ministry of Health launched a program to collect data on the genomic population of Indonesia. The program, named Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative (BGSI), aims to collect data on 10,000 genomes and pathogens related to the Indonesian population by 2024 and will continue to increase in the following years. This project involves private partners and a genetic platform providing start-up companies, with the aim of providing precision medical services. If the mastery of genome technology in Indonesia becomes more advanced, genomic mapping data becomes more complete, and disease patterns can be mapped, both nationally and individually.
Pemetaan Genomik Manusia Indonesia
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- 27/12/2023
Jika penguasaan teknologi genom semakin canggih, data pemetaan genom semakin lengkap, pola penyakit dapat dipetakan. Modernisasi sistem kesehatan nasional terus bergerak maju. Belum lama ini Kementerian Kesehatan meluncurkan dimulainya program pengumpulan data genomik penduduk Indonesia. Program yang dinamai Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative (BGSI) ini menargetkan pada 2024 akan terkumpul data 10.000 genom dan patogen yang berkaitan dengan penduduk Indonesia dan akan terus bertambah pada tahun-tahun selanjutnya. Proyek ini melibatkan mitra swasta, perusahaan rintisan penyedia platform genetik, dengan tujuan menyediakan layanan pengobatan presisi. Jika penguasaan teknologi genom di Indonesia semakin canggih, data pemetaan genom semakin lengkap, pola penyakit dapat dipetakan, baik secara nasional maupun individual.
Tug of War on Excise on Sweetened Drinks
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- 25/11/2023
The postponement of the imposition of MBDK excise rates certainly disappoints health practitioners. Even though the plan to impose excise on MBDK is a progressive policy, it is believed that it will be effective in controlling the consumption of sweet drinks. Suddenly the government again postponed the implementation of excise on sweetened drinks in packaging or MBDK. The policy intended to control the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity and diabetes has been postponed until next year. That is, if it is not postponed again. Actually, through Presidential Regulation Number 130 of 2022 regarding the Details of the State Budget for the 2023 Fiscal Year, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed the Ministry of Finance to implement excise taxes on MBDK products starting this year.
The Nobel Prize and Our Minimal Research Budget
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- 09/11/2023
The complaints of our academics and researchers are that they are often bothered with administrative matters rather than the substance of their research. Recently the winners of the 2023 Nobel prize were announced. Jon Fosse won the Nobel for literature; Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for medicine; Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier for physics; Moungi G Bawendi, Louis E Brus, and Alexei I Ekimov for chemistry; and Narges Mohammadi for peace. The announcement of this year's Nobel Prize coincides with the news of the failure of the Indonesian badminton team at the Asian Games in Hangzhou. This nationally beloved sports team has been unable to win even a single medal, not even bronze.
Hadiah Nobel dan Minimnya Anggaran Riset Kita
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- 07/11/2023
Keluhan para akademisi dan periset kita, selama ini sering direpotkan urusan administrasi daripada substansi risetnya. Belum lama ini diumumkan para pemenang hadiah Nobel 2023. Jon Fosse memenangi Nobel untuk sastra; Katalin Kariko dan Drew Weissman untuk kedokteran; Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, dan Anne L’Huillier untuk fisika; Moungi G Bawendi, Louis E Brus, dan Alexei I Ekimov untuk kimia; dan Narges Mohammadi untuk perdamaian. Pengumuman hadiah Nobel tahun ini bersamaan waktunya dengan berita gagalnya tim bulu tangkis Indonesia di Asian Games, Hangzhou. Tim cabang olahraga kebanggaan Indonesia selama puluhan tahun ini gagal total meraih medali sekeping pun, bahkan sekadar perunggu.