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Our National Health
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- 27/11/2022
An increase in life expectancy in the span of 30 years is actually a reasonable achievement. What seems to be beyond rationality is why stunting remains an insurmountable problem. The November 2022 issue of TheLancet journal published Indonesia's national health report, which provides an overview of Indonesia's health over the past 30 years and its capacity to meet the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report, titled "The State of Health in Indonesia's Provinces, 1990-2019: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019”, was compiled by the GBD 2019 Indonesia Subnational Collaborators. It was prepared by a team involving dozens of researchers, including former Health minister Nafsiah Mboi (2012-2014).

Rapor Kesehatan Nasional Kita
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- 23/11/2022
Dalam tiga dekade ini angka harapan hidup dan harapan hidup sehat secara nasional membaik cukup signifikan. Anggaran membangun kesehatan nasonal juga terus meninglkat. Tapi mengapa masalah tengkes belum bisa tertangani ? Jurnal Lancet edisi November 2022 memublikasikan laporan tentang rapor kesehatan nasional Indonesia, yang menunjukkan gambaran kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia dalam rentang 30 tahun, dan kemampuannya memenuhi Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) PBB. Laporan berjudul ”The State of Health in Indonesia’s Provinces, 1990-2019: a Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019” itu sendiri disusun oleh GBD 2019 Indonesia Subnational Collaborators. Penyusunannya melibatkan puluhan periset, antara lain Menteri Kesehatan periode 2012-2014, Nafsiah Mboi.

Di Balik Gagal Ginjal Misterius
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- 25/10/2022
DI saat kita gembira bahwa pandemi covid-19 sayup-sayup mendekati akhir, kita dikejutkan oleh merebaknya penyakit gagal ginjal akut (GGA) yang menyerang anak-anak. Di Indonesia, penyakit misterius ini merebak dalam waktu singkat. Hingga 21 Oktober dilaporkan ada 241 kasus dengan 131 kematian, dan menimpa anak usia 1-5 tahun. Serangan kilat maut ini mencemaskan sehingga muncul desakan agar pemerintah menyatakan ini sebagai kejadian luar biasa (KLB) agar bisa ditangani secara luar biasa pula. Sebenarnya, gejala ini sudah terdeteksi oleh Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta sejak Januari lalu, tetapi baru melonjak mulai Agustus. Yang perlu menjadi perhatian, menurut penjelasan Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) dan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), penyakit ini baru terdeteksi massal di Gambia (Afrika Barat) dan Indonesia, juga muncul dalam jumlah sedikit di Bangladesh.

Blood Clotting and the Accusation of Haram Vaccine
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- 19/10/2022
The Astrazeneca vaccine has made a fuss. According to a recent study from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which has its headquarters in Amsterdam, the Astrazeneca vaccine is strongly suspected of having potentially fatal blood clot side effects. Shortly thereafter, the UK's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) disclosed that it may have found evidence of a connection between blood clot cases and the Astrazeneca-Oxford vaccine. The EMA and MHRA reports immediately sparked concern in the European region. Eleven countries in Europe instantly suspended the use of the Astrazeneca vaccine, followed by Thailand. In Indonesia there have been no cases of blood clots due to the vaccine, but, pending further studies, the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, announced the suspension of the use of Astrazeneca vaccine (15/3/2021).

Our Universities toward Golden Indonesia 2045. Are They Ready?
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- 16/10/2022
The countdown to the Golden Indonesia 2045 is currently underway. This year's National Education Day 2021 coincides with the 76th anniversary of Independence Day. Our great hope is that when we are having centennial celebration of our Independence Day in 2045, all Indonesian people will have been able to access good education and produce excellent and competent human resources who are able to take part at global level in their respective fields. The ongoing pandemic in its second year offers an excellent opportunity to pause and consider the successes and failures of our nation's higher education system. One of the important questions is whether our universities are ready enough to welcome 100 years of the independence, in accordance with the vision of becoming an industrial country?