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Ramadan Fasting. Blessing and Health
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- 02/04/2023
Muslims around the world are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan with gratitude to Allah SWT. Even though the status of the Covid-19 pandemic has not been officially declared over, the situation is getting better. This time, we are allowed to perform tarawih prayers in congregation, tadarus and iktikaf at the mosque, and are no longer obliged to wear masks. The coverage of the first booster vaccination has reached around 75%, the second booster is around 68%, and approximately three million people having received the third, so it is much safer because herd immunity has been achieved. These are all the blessing of Allah SWT for which we Muslims are grateful. Fasting during Ramadan is an obligation for Muslims, as stated in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183: "O you who have believed, fasting is prescribed upon you, as it was prescribed upon those before you, so that you may be pious".

Hikmah Ramadan: Puasa Ramadan, Barokah dan Kesehatan
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- 31/03/2023
TRIBUNJATIM.COM, SURABAYA-Umat muslim di seluruh dunia baru saja memasuki bulan suci Ramadan dengan rasya bersyukur. Meskipun status pandemi Covid-19 belum resmi dicabut, tetapi situasinya sudah semakin membaik. Kali ini kita sudah boleh melakukan salat tarawih berjamaah, tadarus dan iktikaf di masjid, bahkan sudah tidak wajib lagi mengenakan masker. Sampai hari ini, cakupan vaksinasi booster pertama sudah mencapai angka sekitar 75 persen, booster kedua sekitar 68 persen , bahkan booster ketiga sudah menjangkau sekitar tiga juta orang sehingga sudah jauh lebih aman karena sudah tercapai kekebalan kelompok atau herd immunity. Tentu ini karunia Allah yang wajib kita syukuri.

Joint Healthcare Provision to Patch Up BPJS Shortfall
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- 07/03/2023
The government must rearrange its regulations properly with an aim of preventing the tendency of insurance companies to implement adverse selection. Some time ago, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin raised the idea of a special health insurance package for the wealthy provided by the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). The idea duly drew pros and cons. The suggested special BPJS health insurance for the wealthy is a package that, as expected, involves private insurers providing joint medical coverage. Kompas has published at least four opinion articles responding to the Health Minister's idea, which he put forward during a work meeting with the House of Representatives (DPR) at the end of 2022.

Asuransi Gabungan untuk Menambal Bolong BPJS
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- 01/03/2023
Rencana menggabungkan manfaat BPJS dan asuransi swasta sebenarnya bukan barang baru. Pemerintah perlu menata regulasi dan mengatur koridor risiko, kriteria pungutan dan pembayaran, sumber dana, dan durasi program CoB. Beberapa waktu lalu, Menteri Kesehatan Budi Gunadi Sadikin melontarkan ide perlunya BPJS khusus untuk orang kaya, dan langsung disambar dengan pro-kontra. BPJS untuk orang kaya dimaksud adalah asuransi swasta tambahan untuk menutupi kebutuhan pembiayaan pengobatan bagi orang kaya. Kompas setidaknya memuat empat artikel opini yang menanggapi lontaran Menkes yang disampaikan pada rapat kerja dengan DPR di pengujung 2022 itu.

Promoting Precision Medicine
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- 11/02/2023
Precision medicine will enable each patient to receive more sensitive screening, more precise diagnoses, and more effective medical treatment. Not long ago, Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said precision medicine was a necessity for future health services. Precision medicine will enable each patient to receive more sensitive screening, more precise diagnoses, and more effective medical treatment. This was conveyed by Dante in his inaugural speech as Professor of Internal Medicine at the School of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Kompas, 23/8/2022).