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Abdee Slank and the Miracle of the Kidney
- Opini
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- 10/10/2022
Slank fans are undoubtedly saddened by the news that Abdi Negara Nurdin, or Abdee, was compelled to stop performing on stage. The Slank guitarist, who lends the Slank songs a distinctive color, must concentrate on his ailing kidney. "I have attempted to live without dialysis or a transplant for the last four years, but it is difficult. I feel weak, nauseaous, and dizzy every day. My kidney illness has progressed", according to Abdee, as quoted by detikcom (17/3/2015). He had to visit doctors often throughout the time in order to get relief from his misery, including through alternative medicine, whatever that meant. He finally said, "I did need a transplant". The range of treatments decreases as the kidney disease becomes more severe and chronic. Two kidneys must be replaced if they are apparently not working.

Membandingkan Singapura, Malaysia, dan Indonesia
- Opini
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- 20/09/2022
Berkaca dari negara sahabat, kita bisa memacu untuk mengejar kemajuan. Badan yang sehat jasmani-rohani, pendidikan yang berkualitas, dan keunggulan iptek akan menjadi pendorong kemajuan. Setelah Perang Dunia II berakhir, Indonesia termasuk negara bekas jajahan yang paling awal meraih kemerdekaan. Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 hanya tiga hari setelah Jepang menyerah kepada AS. Belanda masih belum ikhlas dan melancarkan agresi militer, baru 19 Desember 1949 mau mengakui kedaulatan RI. Sementara Malaysia baru diberi kemerdekaan oleh Inggris, bukan merebut, pada 31 Agustus 1957 atau 12 tahun setelah kita merdeka. Singapura sebelumnya juga koloni Inggris, pada 1963 bergabung dengan Federasi Malaysia, tetapi pada 9 Agustus 1965 memisahkan diri menjadi negara merdeka.

Post-Pandemic Trend of Plant-Based Diet
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- 30/08/2022
After three years, the Covid-19 pandemic is no longer a threat. In addition to the grief it created, the pandemic ended up teaching us lessons. Growing awareness of a healthy lifestyle, which includes using a balanced food, is one of the lessons. According to the survey results of Kerry Indonesia, a food ingredient company with headquarters in Ireland, there are three categories of reasons why someone chooses to consume healthy food: for physical health, for the health of the planet and the environment, and for dietary reasons. The consumption of plant-based diet is one example of a healthy diet that is currently in style. Healthy food is becoming increasingly important in modern society. There are various healthy eating movements that regulate the types of foods that must be consumed and those that must be avoided, as well as how to control the frequency and timing of eating.

Tren Makanan Nabati Pascapandemi
- Opini
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- 23/08/2022
TIGA tahun pandemi covid-19, selain memilukan, rupanya membawa hikmah. Salah satu hikmahnya ialah meningkatnya kesadaran tentang pola hidup sehat, termasuk menerapkan pola makan sehat. Menurut hasil survei Kerry Indonesia, produsen bahan makanan yang berpusat di Irlandia, ada tiga kelompok alasan mengapa seseorang memilih untuk mengonsumsi makanan sehat, yaitu untuk kesehatan tubuh, untuk kesehatan bumi dan lingkungan, dan karena alasan diet. Salah satu penerapan pola makan sehat yang sekarang sedang ngetren ialah mengonsumsi makanan berbahan nabati. Masyarakat modern semakin memperhatikan soal makanan sehat. Muncul berbagai gerakan makan sehat yang mengatur jenis makanan apa saja yang wajib dikonsumsi dan apa yang harus dihindari. Lalu, bagaimana mengatur frekuensi dan waktu makan.

Uric Acid, a Threat to Kidney
- Opini
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- 31/07/2022
One of health problems often faced at the age of 30 years and over is high uric acid levels. This problem is often discovered only when conducting a health examination at a clinic or health facility. High uric acid level also often causes symptoms such as pain, swelling in the joints or a feeling of stiffness. In addition to these complaints, uric acid can also lead to kidney damage. Like an unbroken cycle, kidney damage also causes problems in uric acid discharge from the body and causes build-up. Therefore, it is important to know the relationship between blood uric acid levels and kidneys' health. Uric acid is actually a waste product excreted by the body. In good body condition, this substance will normally be excreted by the kidneys and its levels in blood will be maintained in normal conditions of 3.5-7.0 mg/dL in males and 2.5-6.0 mg/dL