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What is Contrast-Induced Nephropathy?
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- 10/07/2022
Have you ever heard of the term contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN)? This term may be unfamiliar for commoners, but this should not be the case for clinicians or health workers. We, especially clinicians and health workers, should be able to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), and so we need to know what CIN is or need to recall how CIN occurs. Contrast-Induced Nephropathy is acute injury to kidney tissue caused by the entry of contrast agents into the body through the blood vessels. In normal kidney function, this damage is rare. However, in conditions of impaired kidney function (due to previous kidney disease), this contrast agent can exacerbate existing kidney damage. Contrast agents administered by intravascular injection, apart from having a toxic and apoptotic effect, may cause acute hemodynamic changes in the kidney which is characterized by an increase in renal vascular resistance and a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.

Mengenal dan Memahami Contrast-Induced Nephropathy
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- 06/07/2022
Apakah saudara pernah mendengar istilah contrast-induced Nephropathy? Istilah ini cukup langka untuk didengar bagi kita orang awam, namun ini seyogyanya tidak demikian untuk kalangan klinisi atau petugas kesehatan. Agar kita, khususnya juga dokter dan petugas kesehatan, lebih mengenal dan bisa mencegah contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), maka senantiasa kita perlu tahu terlebih dahulu apa itu CIN atau perlu menyadari kembali tentang bagaimana CIN terjadi. Contrast-Induced Nephropathy adalah kerusakan jaringan ginjal yang bersifat akut dan disebabkan oleh masuknya media kontras ke dalam tubuh (pembuluh darah). Normalnya pada fungsi ginjal yang normal, kerusakan ini jarang sekali terjadi, namun dalam kondisi fungsi ginjal yang terganggu (oleh karena penyakit ginjal sebelumnya) justru zat kontras ini bisa menambah kerusakan ginjal yang sudah ada.

A Delayed Transition to Endemic
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- 05/07/2022
We should return to health protocols in anticipation for an increase in cases potentially sparked by the new subvariants. In so doing, we are preventing new variant infections from spiking. About a month ago the government stated that we were entering a transitional period from the pandemic to endemic. It was an encouraging statement, justifiably supported by the fact that one month after the government allowed long homecoming holidays for Idul Fitri celebrations, a worrying caseload escalation did not occur. Amid this optimism, the daily cases started to trickle up. In fact, the average daily addition of cases had been hovering below 500 cases since May, with the data from 16 May even recording only 182 additional daily cases. This made many people optimistic about the prospect of the pandemic turning into an endemic soon.

Never Undermine Hypertension
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- 03/07/2022
Hypertension is a major independent risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure and chronic kidney failure. In many regions of the world, there are a lot of people who have high blood pressure. Even in the United States, out of every three adults, one is hypertensive. If this number is expressed as a percentage, then the prevalence of hypertension in the United States is around 30%. More than just a large number, the impact of hypertension is frightening, both in terms of morbidity and mortality. According to reports, hypertension alone was responsible for 18% of cardiovascular disease mortality in western nations. The impact to the state financial losses is also enormous. The state is said to lose 47.5 billion dollars annually. Thus, it makes sense to be aware of hypertension from the beginning, and it also makes sense to start an early detection program as soon as hypertension is identified in order to lower the incidence of hypertension and its sequelae.

Transisi ke Endemi yang Tertunda
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- 30/06/2022
Pemerintah memperkirakan puncak kasus subvarian Omicron BA.4 dan BA.5 di Indonesia mungkin akan terjadi pada minggu kedua atau ketiga Juli 2022. Saatnya mengetatkan protokol kesehatan mencegah penyebaran varian baru. Sekitar satu bulan lalu pemerintah menyatakan bahwa kita sedang memasuki masa transisi dari akhir pandemi menuju ke endemi. Ini pernyataan menggembirakan, apalagi didukung oleh fakta bahwa satu bulan setelah pemerintah mengizinkan liburan panjang mudik Lebaran, tak muncul gejolak yang mengkhawatirkan. Namun sayang, di tengah optimisme ini, tiba-tiba kasus harian secara perlahan naik. Sebenarnya sejak Mei penambahan kasus harian rata-rata di bawah 500 kasus, bahkan pada 16 Mei penambahan kasus harian hanya 182 kasus. Ini yang membuat banyak pihak optimistis pandemi segera berganti menjadi endemi.