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Towards Quality Generation 2045
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- 24/08/2023
The demographic bonus is an important capital for Indonesia to become a developed country in 2045. However, the threat of climate change, as well as geopolitical problems, need attention so that the dream of becoming a developed country can be realized. This August, we are once again commemorating the independence of our country proclaimed by Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta in 1945. What have we achieved at the age of 78? A number of data can be disclosed, both those that have been achieved and those that have not yet been achieved. Usually, in points that have failed or not succeeded yet, we will justify it by saying, "we will make it a lesson". However, there is something no less important than evaluating what has happened, which is what we intend to target when we reach the age of 100 later?

Menuju Generasi Berkualitas 2045
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- 23/08/2023
Bonus demografi menjadi modal penting Indonesia untuk menjadi negara maju pada 2045. Namun, ancaman perubahan iklim, juga problem geopolitik, perlu mendapat perhatian agar cita-cita menjadi negara maju dapat terwujud. Bulan Agustus ini kembali kita memperingati kemerdekaan negara kita yang diproklamasikan oleh Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta pada tahun 1945. Apa yang sudah kita capai dalam usia yang ke-78 ini? Sederet data bisa kita beberkan, baik yang sudah maupun yang belum bisa kita capai. Biasanya, pada poin yang masih gagal atau belum berhasil, kita akan memakluminya dengan kalimat, ”akan kita jadikan pelajaran”.Namun, ada yang tidak kalah penting dibandingkan dengan menilai apa yang sudah terjadi, yaitu apa yang hendak kita targetkan pada usia ke-100 nanti?

Why Do You Enjoy Going Overseas for Treatment?
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- 20/07/2023
The large number of Indonesian citizens seeking treatment abroad has resulted in Indonesia losing around US$11.5 billion in foreign exchange, or the equivalent of Rp.170 trillion per year. Are our health services still not of high quality? In terms of medical treatment, our upper middle class includes those who like go abroad for treatment. It's not just medical treatment to cure serious illnesses, such as cancer, but also for medical check-ups or check-ups, many Indonesian citizens are keen to go abroad. Of course this only applies to those who are financially able because the costs are definitely more expensive than in their own country. This is what makes President Joko Widodo confused and concerned. A few months ago, the President complained about approximately 2 million Indonesian citizens seeking medical treatment overseas every year. Around 1 million people go to Malaysia, approximately 750,000 go to Singapore, and the rest to Japan, America, Germany, and other countries.

Mengapa Senang Berobat ke Luar Negeri?
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- 18/07/2023
Besarnya WNI yang berobat ke luar negeri ini mengakibatkan Indonesia kehilangan devisa sekitar 11,5 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 170 triliun per tahun. Apakah layanan kesehatan kita masih belum berkualitas? Untuk urusan berobat, kelas menengah ke atas kita termasuk yang suka berobat ke luar negeri. Bukan hanya berobat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit berat, seperti kanker, bahkan untuk sekadar pemeriksaan kesehatan atau check up saja banyak WNI yang getol ke luar negeri. Tentu saja ini hanya berlaku untuk kalangan yang mampu secara finansial sebab biayanya pasti lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan di negeri sendiri. Inilah yang membuat Presiden Joko Widodo heran dan prihatin. Beberapa bulan lalu Presiden mengeluhkan ada sekitar 2 juta warga Indonesia yang berobat ke luar negeri setiap tahun. Sekitar 1 juta orang ke Malaysia, sekitar 750.000 ke Singapura, serta sisanya ke Jepang, Amerika, Jerman, dan negara lain.

Sugar and the Threat for Health
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- 30/05/2023
Kompas has reported its series of investigations showing that the current national consumption of sugar is so excessive that it is considered dangerous. As a result, the number of diabetics has increased, and the cost of treatment has also increased. Data from BPJS Kesehatan, wrote Kompas, shows that over the last five years (2018-2022), the total cost of claims for patients participating in BPJS Kesehatan who are diagnosed with diabetes has continued to increase. In 2018, diabetes patients needed a total cost of IDR 4.9 trillion from BPJS funding, and in 2022 this figure will increase to IDR 6.4 trillion. Wihout realizing it, excessive sugar consumption, which has become a long-standing habit, poses a hidden danger. Day by day, our society consumes increasingly higher amounts of sugar while simultaneously engaging in less physical activity. This excessive calorie intake, particularly from sugar, combined with a lack of physical exercise, contributes to obesity and various inherited diseases like diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and heart disease.