
Artikel Ilmiah

A Study on iPTH Normality in DM Non-DM Status Among Hemodialysis Population in Surabaya, Indonesia

Introduction: One could speculate that dialysis patients in the developing countries differ in their biological character normal values from those in the developed countries, including the iPTH profile. Various studies reveal that iPTH level variety in dialysis patients may change according to the patients' characteristics, such as Asian race, and the presence or absence non‐diabetes mellitus (DM) and DM status. The objective of this research was to study various iPTH normality in DM‐non DM status among hemodialysis patients in Surabaya.

Apoptosis Index Between Females and Males in Regular Hemodialysis

Rumah Ginjal - Abstract Many reports have documented apoptosis index in hemodialysis patients, but to date, no single study has directly compared the apoptosis index of males to females. Data on mortality rate among hemodialytic patients in the hemodialysis center at the Department of Internal Medicine Dr Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia show a high number predominated by female patients.

Dyspnea Pada Gagal Ginjal

Rumah Ginjal - Pendahuluan Dispnea adalah pengalaman subyektif berupa ketidaknyamanan bernafas yang melibatkan sensasi yang bervariasi dalam intensitasnya. Gejala dyspnea harus dibedakan dari tanda-tanda peningkatan frekuensi pernapasan.Dyspnea dapat dikategorikan berdasarkan organ penyebabnya, antara lain: pulmonal, kardiovaskular, neurogenik, dyspnea on effort, dan metabolik. Pada jenis penyebab terakhir yaitu dyspnea akibat gangguan metabolik sering terjadi pada gagal ginjal baik akut maupun acute on chronic renal failure. Sumber: Pendidikan Dokter Berkelanjutan XXVIII 2013 - Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Prevalence of Hypertension in School and College Students

Rumah Ginjal - Abstract In Indonesia, the onset of hypertension has been observed in younger po- pulations. Previous studies showed that hypertension occurred in adoles- cence, even in childhood. This cross sectional study aimed to provide a po- pulation-based estimation of hypertension prevalence and risk factors among school and college students in Surabaya, Indonesia. Using mercu- ry sphygmomanometer blood pressure was measured in 335 participants grouped into 5 _ 9, 10 _ 14, 15 _ 19, and 20 _ 26 years of age. The preva- lence data was linked to sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and a family his- tory of diabetes and/ or cardiovascular disease.