Hasil Pencarian


Hematological Profile of Mice After Ethyl Acetate Extract of Fungus Comb of Indo-Malayan Termite (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen) Mound Supplementation in Regulating Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammatory Response

ABSTRACT Introduction: Termitomyces sp. is an edible fungal species commonly found in tropical forests in Africa and Southeast Asia. It is consumed as an immunomodulatory agent to enhance the immune system. This study explored the hematological profile of ethyl acetate extract of fungus comb(EAEFC) on mice’s inflammatory response induced by intraperitoneally-injected lipopolysaccharide. Methods: An experimental study with a post-test-only control group design using BALB/C mice(n = 24, bodyweight/BW:25-30 grams) was conducted. The animals were randomly allocated into 4 groups, each consisting of 6 mice, and received substance(s) via gavage. Groups I and III received 5% Dimethyl Sulfoxide(DMSO) in water, groups II and IV received 500mg/kg BW EAEFC in 5% DMSO. On day 15, Group I and II were injected intraperitoneally with 5 ml/kg BW saline, whereas Group III and IV with 10 mg/kg BW lipopolysaccharide(LPS) in 5 ml/kg BW saline. After three hours, the mice were sacrificed; their blood was collected, and a hematological profile was observed. The results were displayed as mean ± standard deviation (SD), and the differences between groups were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA.

Brown Tumour in Chronic Kidney Disease: Revisiting an Old Disease with a New Perspective

Simple Summary OFC (Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica) and Brown Tumours, skeletal lesions commonly found in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, are influenced by various risk factors, such as age, sex, medications affecting calcium metabolism, and vitamin D deficiency. The primary cause is secondary hyperparathyroidism, leading to imbalances in calcium and phosphorus levels and osteoclast activation. Other factors, like RAAS hyperactivity and chronic inflammation, may also contribute to their development. The recently described involvement of KRAS mutations turned Brown Tumours from reactive lesions to potentially neoplastic lesions. To manage these conditions, pharmacologic treatments like bisphosphonates, calcimimetics, vitamin D supplementation, and denosumab can help by reducing hyperparathyroidism, restoring calcium levels, and preventing OFC occurrence.

Glycated Albumin untuk Cek Diabetes Melitus

SURABAYA – Angka penderita diabetes melitus (DM) kian tinggi. Data International Diabetes Foundation menyebutkan, di Indonesia terdapat 8,5 juta penderita DM atau peringkat ketujuh terbanyak di dunia. Dari jumlah tersebut, 59 persen belum terdiagnosis.

Prof Djoko Santoso Bagi Ilmu Sehat lewat Buku, Ajak Kenali Penyakit Ginjal

Ginjal merupakan salah satu organ tubuh yang berfungsi vital. Sayang, masyarakat baru menyadari pentingnya ginjal saat telanjur sakit. Fenomena itulah yang selama ini diamati Prof Dr Djoko Santoso PhD K-GH FINASIM.  

Mengejar Brand World Class University

MENJELANG fajar tahun baru menyingsing, universitas seantero jagat sangat mungkin disibukkan target dalam pencapaian world class university (WCU). Diestimasi, nama universitas seperti Harvard University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), dan Stanford University yang akan tetap masuk jajaran top rangking dunia.