

The Fading Voice of Doctors in Pandemic Policy

The widely circulating reports about preparing vaccinations against Covid-19 have given rise to optimism and anxiety at the same time amid the protracted pandemic. The widely circulating reports about preparing vaccinations against Covid-19 have given rise to optimism and anxiety at the same time amid the protracted pandemic. Some people are so optimistic that they are convinced that a vaccine will mean the end of the pandemic. As someone who works every day at a hospital and still has time to read various medical journals and media reports, this writer still finds it hard to understand the present circumstances. Nine months since President Joko Widodo announced the first patients to test positive for Covid-19 in Depok, the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases has kept increasing until today. Worse still, public fear over the pandemic is waning.

Age Perception, Millennial Generation in the Presidential Election

  Age is an attractive factor in the 2019 presidential election compared to our previous elections. Two pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates have an age range that has been widely discussed in political conversation. Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, 57 years old (born on June 21, 1961), pairs up with Ma’ruf Amin, and Prabowo Subianto, 66 years old (born on October 17, 1951), pairs with Sandiaga Uno. Meanwhile, at present it is known that there is a thick layer of the millennial generation that is believed to be able to determine the direction of the presidential election with more than 40 percent of voters. The millennial generation is a bone of contention for the two camps even though in their calculations they use the opposite strategies. Jokowi chooses 75-year-old Ma’ruf (born March 11, 1943) and Prabowo appointed Sandiaga, who has a much younger age, 49 years old (born June 28, 1969).

The Race to Creating a Vaccine

We are seeing many countries accelerating Covid-19 vaccine development, a race that has become increasingly fierce. We are seeing many countries accelerating Covid-19 vaccine development, a race that has become increasingly fierce. Many comments, criticisms and praises have been made regarding this endeavor. Social media is also full of knowledgeable opinions. However, many people are also giving praise or criticism without any deep insight on this issue. Let us use a cool head in an attempt to understand the “vaccine race” to control the disease, which is now infecting almost 300,000 people every day. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently announced on 11 Aug. that his country had become the first to successfully develop a vaccine. This vaccine will soon be used for mass immunization in October. Putin claims that the vaccine is safe, and that his own daughter volunteered in the clinical trial.

Early Detection of Silent Hypoxia

The development of Covid-19 has brought forth a new phenomenon that is increasingly challenging. The development of Covid-19 has brought forth a new phenomenon that is increasingly challenging. Three patients in Banyumas reportedly appeared asymptomatic but then suddenly died. According to a statement of Banyumas Regent Achmad Husein, all three of them seemed happy before they died. Unlike other Covid-19 patients, they had not shown any symptoms of cough, flu or fever. However, the oxygen saturation (the percentage of red blood cells that bind oxygen) continued to decline, leading to breathing failure. An examination then confirmed that the three were Covid-19 positive. This is what the public calls the “happy hypoxia” syndrome. This syndrome is reported to have afflicted many Covid-19 patients. Before the pandemic, it has also been seen in other lung infections, atelectasis and intrapulmonary shunts, but it has increased rapidly because of Covid-19.

Mendeteksi Dini Hipoksia Senyap

Covid-19 menjadi mesin pembunuh yang luar biasa, dengan menarget organ paru-paru. Karena begitu banyak pasien tak pergi ke RS sampai pneumonia mereka berkembang dengan sangat berat dan membutuhkan bantuan ventilator. Perkembangan Covid-19 terus berbiak ke fenomena baru yang kian penuh tantangan. Diberitakan, ada tiga pasien tampak tanpa gejala di Banyumas yang tiba-tiba meninggal. Menurut keterangan Bupati Banyumas Achmad Husein, sebelum meninggal ketiganya nampak gembira saja, tak mengalami gejala batuk, flu dan panas seperti pasien Covid-19 lazimnya. Tetapi saturasi oksigennya (persentase sel darah merah yang mengikat oksigen) terus menurun, hingga akhirnya gagal bernapas. Pemeriksaan kemudian mengonfirmasi ketiganya positif Covid-19. Inilah yang kemudian ramai disebut sindrom “happy hipoxia”. Sindrom ini dikabarkan banyak menimpa pasien Covid-19 meskipun sebelum pandemi hal ini dapat dijumpai juga seperti pada kasus infeksi paru lain, atelektasis, dan pirau intrapulmoner. Namun ini menjadi booming karena di latar belakangi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini.