Diabetes Ramadan and Hypertension Forum 2023 From Guidelines to Clinical Practice

Scientific Session
Diabetes Ramadan and Hypertension Forum 2023 From Guidelines to Clinical Practice
Hotel Shangri La - Pelangi Room Surabaya
Sunday, 12 March 2023
10.00 - 12.00 WIB
Mini - Keynote Lecture by|
Prof. Dr. Askandar Tjokprawiro, dr., Sp.PD, K-EMD, FINASIM
Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., SpPD, K-GH, FINASIM
Single Pill Combinations in Hypertension: Wy, When, Whom?
(Focus perindori data on BP reduction, Cardio, & Renal Protection)
Prof. Dr. Djanggan Sargowo, dr., SpPD, SpJP(K), FIHA, FACC, FESC, SCAPC, FASCC
Diabetes and HYpertension: Managing Cardiovascular Events and RIsk Factors
(Highlight CV Safety of Glictazide MR, Cardio Benefits of Perindopril)
Prof. Dr. Agung Pranoto, dr., M.Kes., SpPD, K-EMD, FINASIM
Diabetes and Ramadan: Forum Guidelines to Practice
(4 Pillar Diabetes Fasting Management, DIA RAMADAN Study)
Pendaftaran Silakan WA ke nomor +61 813-3192-0353 (Rudik)
- Tags:
- hypertension
- Diabetes
- guidelines to clinical practice
- diabetes ramadan and hypertension forum 2023