Hasil Pencarian


Comparison of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Levels Between Stages Three, Four, and Five Non-dialysis of Chronic Kidney Disease

Rumah Ginjal - ABSTRAK Tujuan: mengetahui perbandingan kadar asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) antar-stadium 3, 4, dan 5 pasien penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) non-dialisis di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Metode: penelitian potong lintang dilakukan di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Ginjal dan Hipertensi RSUD Dr. Soetomo mulai bulan Januari-Februari 2015. Stadium PGK ditentukan berdasarkan rumus perkiraan LFG menurut rumus MDRD 4 variabel. Analisis statistik perbedaan kadar ADMA ketiga kelompok subyek menggunakan uji Anova satu arah.

Japan-Indonesia Collaborative Study of Imidapril on Antipro-teinuria Effect in Hypertensive Patients with Chronic kidney Disease

Rumah Ginjal - Abstract Background:Chronic kidney disease(CKD)is a comprehensive disease concept that includes chronic glomerulonephritis such as IgA nephropathy or lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephrosclerosis. CKD is a risk factor for end stage kidney disease(ESKD)and cardiovascular diseases(CVD). It is considered that angiotensin─converting enzyme(ACE)inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers(ARBs)induce a marked renoprotective effect in patients with CKD.

Apoptosis Index Between Females and Males in Regular Hemodialysis

Rumah Ginjal - Abstract Many reports have documented apoptosis index in hemodialysis patients, but to date, no single study has directly compared the apoptosis index of males to females. Data on mortality rate among hemodialytic patients in the hemodialysis center at the Department of Internal Medicine Dr Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia show a high number predominated by female patients.

A Study on iPTH Normality in DM Non-DM Status Among Hemodialysis Population in Surabaya, Indonesia

Introduction: One could speculate that dialysis patients in the developing countries differ in their biological character normal values from those in the developed countries, including the iPTH profile. Various studies reveal that iPTH level variety in dialysis patients may change according to the patients' characteristics, such as Asian race, and the presence or absence non‐diabetes mellitus (DM) and DM status. The objective of this research was to study various iPTH normality in DM‐non DM status among hemodialysis patients in Surabaya.