#nobel prize

Nobel Prizes and Favorite Research Trends

If genomics and AI research are becoming favorite research themes in developed countries, will our scientists follow suit? In October, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2024 Nobel Prizes in the categories of Medicine-Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, and Peace. Looking at the Nobel Prize winners in Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry, it appears that there has been rapid progress in genomic research and artificial intelligence (AI) and this is driving technological progress in the medical and health fields. What can we learn from this Nobel laureate?   New breakthrough The Nobel Prize in Medicine-Physiology was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun from the United States (US). Both were considered to have contributed to their discovery that microRNA plays a role in regulating post-transcriptional gene activity. This discovery opens up opportunities to develop new ways to treat various diseases, including cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Penghargaan Nobel dan Tren Riset Favorit

Jika riset genomik dan AI menjadi tema riset favorit di negara maju, apakah ilmuwan kita juga mengikutinya? Pada Oktober lalu, Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kerajaan Swedia memberikan Hadiah Nobel 2024 untuk kategori Kedokteran-Fisiologi, Kimia, Fisika, Sastra, dan Perdamaian. Melihat pemenang Nobel kategori Kedokteran, Fisika, dan Kimia, tampak ada kemajuan pesat pada riset genomik dan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence/AI) dan ini menjadi pendorong kemajuan teknologi di bidang medis dan kesehatan. Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari penerima Nobel ini?   Terobosan baru Nobel Kedokteran-Fisiologi diberikan kepada Victor Ambros dan Gary Ruvkun dari Amerika Serikat. Keduanya dinilai berjasa atas temuannya bahwa mikro-RNA berperan dalam mengatur aktivitas gen pascatranskripsi. Lewat temuan ini terbuka peluang pengembangan cara baru pengobatan berbagai penyakit, termasuk kanker dan autoimun.

The Nobel Prize and Our Minimal Research Budget

The complaints of our academics and researchers are that they are often bothered with administrative matters rather than the substance of their research. Recently the winners of the 2023 Nobel prize were announced. Jon Fosse won the Nobel for literature; Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for medicine; Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier for physics; Moungi G Bawendi, Louis E Brus, and Alexei I Ekimov for chemistry; and Narges Mohammadi for peace. The announcement of this year's Nobel Prize coincides with the news of the failure of the Indonesian badminton team at the Asian Games in Hangzhou. This nationally beloved sports team has been unable to win even a single medal, not even bronze.