Prevalence of Hypertension in School and College Students
- Artikel Ilmiah
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- 11/06/2013
Rumah Ginjal - Abstract In Indonesia, the onset of hypertension has been observed in younger po- pulations. Previous studies showed that hypertension occurred in adoles- cence, even in childhood. This cross sectional study aimed to provide a po- pulation-based estimation of hypertension prevalence and risk factors among school and college students in Surabaya, Indonesia. Using mercu- ry sphygmomanometer blood pressure was measured in 335 participants grouped into 5 _ 9, 10 _ 14, 15 _ 19, and 20 _ 26 years of age. The preva- lence data was linked to sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and a family his- tory of diabetes and/ or cardiovascular disease.
Nutritional Condition in Hemodialysis Patients. Differences Between Groups in Surabaya, Indonesia and Juntendo University, Japan
- Artikel Ilmiah
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- 02/04/2011
Abstrak Selama lebih dari dua dekade, kekurangan gizi telah dilaporkan sebagai komplikasi yang sering pada pasien hemodialisis. Prevalensi bervariasi dari 25 ke 75% di seluruh dunia. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini membandingkan nutrisi pasien hemodialisis di negara berkembang dan negara maju. Hemodialisis data pasien diperoleh dari kelompok pasien di Surabaya, Indonesia dan Juntendo University, Jepang. Malnutrisi diperkirakan dengan serum prealbumin, protein yang mengikat albumin dan retinol.
Difficulty in Achieving Hemodialysis Adequacy in Hemodialysis Unit, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Artikel Ilmiah
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- 01/01/2011
Rumah Ginjal - ABSTRAK Mempertahankan hemodialisis yang memadai di unit hemodialisis diperlukan bagi kelangsungan hidup pasien dialisis. Namun, tidak pasien di RSUD Dr Soetomo tidak begitu saja mampu memperoleh layanan hemodialisis yang memadai. Terdapat berbagai hambatan yang bisa menjelaskan mengapa pasien tidak mampu mematuhi dosis yang diperlukan. Dalam studi ini dibahas pengaruh frekuensi ketidakpatuhan pasien dengan hemodialisis, frekuensi perawatan yang terlewatkan, dan beberapa ukuran hasil lainnya.
Screening in Proteinura-Hematuria Among 5 - 26 Years Old Students in Closed Community School in Surabaya, Indonesia
- Artikel Ilmiah
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- 04/10/2010
ABSTRACT The prevalence of low-income families Indonesian adults of age less than 50 years old with end stage renal disease (ESRD) has shown a steady increase for the recent three years. The chronic kidney disease (CKD) progress from earliest stage to end stage takes up to 5-20 years enables to find effective strategies for prevention when early detection is made. The objective of this study was to perform the prevalence of urinalysis abnormality (hematuria-proteinuria) and to analyze its associated factors.
Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Hemodialysis Patients: Comparison of The Surabaya Dialysis Center and Juntendo University Hospital Dialysis Centre
- Artikel Ilmiah
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- 03/09/2010
Abstract Hepatitis C virus infection is highly prevalence in chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients. The present study will compare prevalence of HCV positive population in difference countries where there are great contrasts in and diversity of care available to patients who have end stage renal disease. All serum samples of the 100 patients were tested for HCV antibodies, using third-generation enzyme immunoassay. The prevalence of anti-HCV was correlated with a history of blood transfusion and with duration of hemodialysis. HCV prevalences were 88% of Surabaya group and 6% of Juntendo Group, respectively.